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Tohoku Japan 日本東北

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The next day we went to Atami 熱海. Atami castle is on the hill top where we can oversee the city. A nice city view.

Inside the castle there are some models of different castles in Japan and some tools, wafuku and paintings. Nothing special indeed but we still spent an hour or so playing free video games....  :D

The next stop was Kinomiya 來宮神社. There is a tree of over 1000 years old. This is also a jinja for people wedding.

The third picture is the old tree....

Our next spot was  Fuji shibazakura matsuri 富士芝桜祭.

After that we took a cable to Kawaguchiko 河口湖天上山公園, you can oversee the city of 河口湖 with a backdrop of fujusan 富士山.

We stayed at a hotel in Kawaguchi of course. Most hotels there are built arond the lake facing fujisan. Their design is that almost all the guest rooms are facing fujisan and the other side of the hotel is used for back of house stuff. After all, the selling point of these hotels is the view of the mountain.

Here are the pictures of my room and its view.


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