Public Zone 公開區 > Travelogues 遊記相薄

Tohoku Japan 日本東北

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After I met my friends and had dinner with them, we went to Shinjuku Kabukicho 歌舞伎町一番街, another place where I had been a decade ago.

The next day I started my part 3 journey with my friends. Guess where was our first destination?

Kamakura again....... via Yokohama

The picture is a stop by in Yokohama

In Kamakura, we visited two places. This first one was the Kōtoku-in 鎌倉大仏殿高徳院

There is a big buddha

You can enter into the buddha and learn how it is built.

The second place was Tsurugaoka Hachimangu 鶴岡八幡宮. The temple of Kamakura period. 

The entrance separates the pond of Ping 平池 and the pond of Yuen 源池 (so called the Genpei Pond 源平池) You can guess who won the battle by comparing the size of their pond.

This place is huge, with a temple higher up from a long staircase, a wall of sake too.


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