Author Topic: Bible  (Read 24139 times)

Offline chin

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« on: 10 February 2012, 16:35:29 »
Many of my friends here had to read the Bible in school days - read for the exams at least. I found the book interesting reading long after left the school.

Many years ago we were traveling in Phuket and as usual found a Bible in the hotel. My kid just started to enjoy reading, and I ask my kid to read from the 1st page of Genesis. Very soon my kid asked me why the two accounts of creation were different!

I no longer have a hardcopy Bible at home, but I often read from this site if the need arise.

And today, while in the process to confirm if really only 144,000 souls can go to heaven, I found another interesting Bible site, for those who cannot read without picture. Or only want an abridged version. It's very cute.

(BTW I cannot say that 100% confirm only 144,000 souls can go to heaven, it certainly was implied in the Book of Revelation 7.3-4 & 9.4 that only this many would spare death and eternal torture by God and his angels. And also the 144,000 lucky ones are all Jews too.)

Offline oo8

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Re: Bible
« Reply #1 on: 11 February 2012, 00:17:16 »
Many of my friends here had to read the Bible in school days - read for the exams at least. I found the book interesting reading long after left the school.

Many years ago we were traveling in Phuket and as usual found a Bible in the hotel. My kid just started to enjoy reading, and I ask my kid to read from the 1st page of Genesis. Very soon my kid asked me why the two accounts of creation were different!

I no longer have a hardcopy Bible at home, but I often read from this site if the need arise.

And today, while in the process to confirm if really only 144,000 souls can go to heaven, I found another interesting Bible site, for those who cannot read without picture. Or only want an abridged version. It's very cute.

(BTW I cannot say that 100% confirm only 144,000 souls can go to heaven, it certainly was implied in the Book of Revelation 7.3-4 & 9.4 that only this many would spare death and eternal torture by God and his angels. And also the 144,000 lucky ones are all Jews too.)

Ho ho ho ho . . . . The Brick Bible is verrrrrry cute indeed.