I am moving this topic to the Bookwyrm section, since it's about books and reading...
Anyway, I ordered the Amazon Kindle 3G about 10 days ago. It's out of stock and it will take anothe month before they can ship.
http://www.amazon.com/Kindle-Wireless-Reading-Display-Generation/dp/B003FSUDM4/ref=sa_menu_kdp33And a few days after the order, I happened to have someone from the US visiting me. He has an old Kindle. I tried reading books on it. My quick comments:
1. The screen really looks good. Not "Wow" good when you first see a bright color monitor, but it really look like ink on paper.
2. The older one is too heavy to handle for long term reading. The one I tried has the leather cover. The new version I ordered is a bit lighter, and I think I should not put on the leather cover.
3. The big unknown for me is how easy can I flip back and forth. Like the book I am reading now has maps, and many times I need to flip back to visualize the events by reading the map.
I struggled a bit before ordering the Kindle. The main reason is that Amazon can recall any book at their will and I am philosophically against that. But then again, Apple/Microsoft can also remotely disable your iphone/windows, or google may already knows me better than I know myself, or Octopus can track someone's movement already real time...