The Girl Next Door
At the end of our east Java trip, we stayed in Surabaya for one night before taking an afternoon flight to Jakarta.
When the bell boy took us to our rooms, we saw 3 or 4 young people virtually camping out in the elevator waiting area in our floor, with food, drinks and pillows. And the bell boy greet them with a big smile.
"What kind of hotel would tolerate campers like these?" I was wondering and feeling not too comfortable about the hotel. Little did I know that we were in for a treat.
The next morning, when I passed the next room, I saw perhaps 20 people in the standard hotel room. Everyone was busy. A few girls sitting, while others dressing them, doing their hair and other declarations.
My first thought was there must be a traditional wedding downstairs. So I grabbed my camera and lenses, just in time to see this girl came out of the room.
Turned out it was not a wedding.