BOB is a book reading competition for kids in primary and secondary schools.
In the 4 or 5 months leading up to the competition, the primary kids are required to read about 20 books while the secondary kids are to read almost 30.
Each school would then send two teams of 6 kids each to the competition. Each round two teams from different school would face each other, taking timed turns to ask questions about contents from the books. Each correct answer of book title gets 2 points, and one bonus point for getting the author's name right.
We think this is a very good competition, partly becasue the reading list always introduce good books that we never heard of. However it's not easy to keep the kids focused in reading all the books and remembering the content, author names, etc...
This year both of my kids are in the BOB. So in this thread I will post some pictures from past competition, and perhaps pictures of this years competition if I got the chance to attend. I will also post comment on some of the BOB books I read (well, not that I read many of them.)