Author Topic: 明朝那些事兒  (Read 32549 times)

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« on: 07 March 2010, 21:06:23 »
I heard about this book for a while and recently it's recommended by friend again. Since I want to get back my reading habbits, so I try it.

It's very good one. I have 6 books, I read 3 already. I didn't know much about Ming Dynasty, expect a little bit about 朱元璋and朱棣. This book tell me a lot about the Ming Dynasty and the sytle is very special.

The following is my short comments on book 1-3 in aNobii.

Book 1 : 非常口語化,通俗及輕鬆幽默的寫法. 有點看不慣. 但對年輕一輩可能非常喜歡. 但如果對中國大陸社會背景不清楚,有時會不明作者寫什麼. 非常有突破性的一本歷史書.

Book 2 : 個人一直喜歡看歷史書, 但可能由於明朝沒有出名的小說, 如三國演義, 楚漢相爭, 隨唐演義等, 一直不是太熟識. 例如仁宣之治等從沒有聽過. 實在是很高興有機會看到這套書, 以非常輕鬆幽默的方法說歷史. 我相信一些不喜歡讀中史的朋友也會喜歡以這樣的方法去讀中史. 絕對推荐給想了解明史的朋友. 當然, 作者以小說筆法去寫自然會加入一些個人的價值觀及判斷.

Book 3 : 不讀不知王陽明除了是哲學家外, 還是軍事家.

Offline chin

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Re: 明朝那些事兒
« Reply #1 on: 07 March 2010, 23:42:07 »
Have you got the chance to read Ray Huang's (黄仁宇) 《萬曆十五年》 (1587: A Year of No Significance)??

I have his other book, "China - A Macro History". Supposedly in the "1587" book, he studied the imperial court records on the finances in helping him to stay his story/theory.

Anyway, when I check out the wiki entry (, one of the comments on the "1587" book is that he sort of fictionalized/dramatized the characters. Perhaps this could be another interesting read on the Ming Dynasty.

Offline Lap

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Re: 明朝那些事兒
« Reply #2 on: 21 March 2010, 21:43:52 »
Heard of it, but didn't read it. Maybe after 明朝那些事兒. By the way, 明朝那些事兒 started as book in Internet and when it get very popular, they publish the physical copies. This is veyr usual in CN. I read a pretty good 武俠小說 before, 天觀雙俠. It's also start from Internet.


Book 1  非常不錯, 推進得非常快, 有很多枝節, 不知是否在以後用到. 有興趣追閱第二卷.
Book 2 比卷一要好! 一口氣看完!
Book 3 還不錯, 但不及卷二好. 情節有點太誇張了.
Book 4 整體來說是非常不錯. 可能是女作者的原因, 寫"情"的部份特別好. 如小三和寶安的一段情鋪排得非常好,令人感動. 不過, 在懸疑性及整體佈局方面有一些虎頭蛇尾的感覺. 所以和金庸比還有一定的差距. 個人意見, 大概是黃易的水平

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Re: 明朝那些事兒
« Reply #3 on: 22 March 2010, 01:46:27 »

I hardly read any fictions, so I do not know much about that in the mainland. However I found that many old books, those dated back hundreds of years or even thousands of years, like Yijing (or I-ching in Gweilo speaking,) are now online and free. And there are many web site focused on literatures old & new.

One of the problem of publishing online is how do you prevent people stealing your work and claim to be his/her own? Emily in our office has bad experience in this regard. She wrote a story online, even got an award for it, and then someone else just copied and claimed authorship.

Offline Lap

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Re: 明朝那些事兒
« Reply #4 on: 24 March 2010, 23:42:34 »
I don't know. But I believe there must a system in China, as there are many books are 1st published online and then have hard copy. Maybe need to cooperate with some big corp/web site first to get protected.

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Re: 明朝那些事兒
« Reply #5 on: 06 May 2012, 15:51:42 »
Just started reading this series of books.

Very enjoyable and easy reading.

Offline hangchoi

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Re: 明朝那些事兒
« Reply #6 on: 25 August 2013, 21:29:03 »
I start reading book 1 now. Just finished a few chapters. Very interesting and funny.

But I think the writer is teasing something else.

Offline hangchoi

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Re: 明朝那些事兒
« Reply #7 on: 21 September 2013, 23:07:40 »
Finished reading the series.

Interesting and it changed my impression of some people in Ming Dynasty. I did not know that Ngai Chung Yin was that bad, Tung Lam Party was not so bad tho, Yuen Sung Woon was not so good and I even did not know there was a Suen Shing Chung who did so well in fighting with the army of Ching-to-be.

Offline chin

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Re: 明朝那些事兒
« Reply #8 on: 22 September 2013, 11:44:15 »
Finished reading the series.

Interesting and it changed my impression of some people in Ming Dynasty. I did not know that Ngai Chung Yin was that bad, Tung Lam Party was not so bad tho, Yuen Sung Woon was not so good and I even did not know there was a Suen Shing Chung who did so well in fighting with the army of Ching-to-be.

Haha, maybe easier if you type the names in Chinese....