Public Zone 公開區 => General Topics 綜合題目 => Topic started by: chanchiwai on 23 March 2010, 16:09:12

Title: Movie
Post by: chanchiwai on 23 March 2010, 16:09:12
Recently, everybody is talking the HK awarded movie 歲月神偷 (Echoes of the Rainbow), meantime, i would like to recommend you to watch the following one as well, it's from Taiwan...being a father like me, i am so moved by it.... :'( :'( :'(

《不能没有你》(No Puedo Vivir Sin Ti) 是台湾导演戴立忍編导的一部电影,该电影取材于2003年一则台湾单亲父亲抱女儿欲跳天桥的社会新闻。在拍摄过程中,戴立忍起用非职业演员[1]赵祐萱饰演女儿、陈文彬饰演父亲、林志儒飾演財哥。2009年7月29日,该片在台湾举行首映式[2]。7月11日,该片获得2009年台北电影节剧情长片类百万首奖、最佳男演员、最佳男配角及媒体推荐奖4项大奖[3]。之後,該片又連續奪得日本SKIP CITY國際影展最佳影片大獎,南非德班國際影展最佳影片大獎。11月28日,该片获得2009年金马奖最佳剧情片、最佳导演、最佳原著剧本、年度台湾傑出电影、觀眾票選最佳影片5项大奖[4]。12月,該片再獲得印度果阿影展最佳導演、最佳影片金孔雀大獎。12月19日,該片再獲得第53屆亞太影展最佳導演、最佳攝影獎
Title: Re: Movie
Post by: chanchiwai on 15 April 2010, 07:52:43
Just watch another great movie produced by a China film maker...《風聲》The Message.  It really suck you into it....highly recommand!!


1942年10月10日,在慶祝國民政府成立三十週年的盛典上,一名汪精衛政權中的機要大員遇刺身亡,引起駐華日軍一片譁然。皇軍特務頭子武田(黃曉明 飾演)研判,這次行動乃由地下抗日組織首腦,代號"老鬼"的人物所策劃。他準備利用這個機會,一舉攻破由老鬼旗下的情報組織。

他更大膽研判,老鬼的內應就潛伏在汪政府剿匪司令部內,伺機竊取情報。為了引蛇出洞,武田發出假電報,並命令汪旗下特務頭子王田香(王志文 飾演)將接觸到電報的五個嫌疑人通通帶到華麗森嚴的裘莊大院。這五個人分別是-汪政府剿匪大隊長吳志國(張涵予 飾演),剿匪司令的侍從官白小年(蘇有朋 飾演),譯電組組長李甯玉(李冰冰 飾演),行政收發專員顧曉夢(周迅 飾演),以及軍機處處長金生火(英達 飾演)。



五人之中,吳志國亦正亦邪、白小年文質彬彬、李寧玉自持冷靜、顧曉夢嬌縱灑脫、金生火行事溫吞。表皮之下真相又是什麼?誰才是令日軍聞風喪膽的“老鬼”? 殺人遊戲終將落幕,殘酷試煉漸入尾聲,最後,誰又能逃出裘莊,拯救億兆蒼生?
Title: Re: Movie
Post by: wongyan on 15 April 2010, 11:02:05
anyone watch the TV 潜伏, great spying TV programme too. 
Title: Re: Movie
Post by: chanchiwai on 15 April 2010, 12:15:51
anyone watch the TV 潜伏, great spying TV programme too. 

I don't know such TV drama, but all I know is you have been 潜伏 for a long long time.... ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Movie
Post by: chin on 16 April 2010, 15:10:17
Just watch another great movie produced by a China film maker...《風聲》The Message.  It really suck you into it....highly recommand!!

Yes, it's good. We watched this at home also.
Title: How To Train Your Dragon
Post by: chin on 16 April 2010, 15:18:48
We watched the IMAX version of How To Train Your Dragon before my Hainan traip.

The 3D effect is good. The movie story has nothing to do with the original book. The movie version has typical Hollywood formula and well executed.

I still think the original book story is more intrigue and more interesting. But without big dragons in the original story, it's hard to make eye candies.
Title: Re: Movie
Post by: chanchiwai on 18 April 2010, 09:08:55
i will try to take my boy to watch this (馴龍記) as his first movie....
Title: Re: Movie
Post by: chin on 19 April 2010, 17:43:07
i will try to take my boy to watch this (馴龍記) as his first movie....

We watched in iSquare (formerly Hyatt hotel in TST) in Cantonese.  :)
Title: Re: Movie
Post by: chin on 13 June 2010, 02:50:19
Nelson asked why the mainland Chinese resonated well with the story in Avatar (thus the record box office in the mainland.)

This WSJ blog explains well.
Title: Re: Movie
Post by: chanchiwai on 03 July 2010, 11:27:38
Hey Buddies,

after the long time trumbling & massive works....I am back to life now.....

Here is the movie I highly highly recommand you, The Legend of Bagger Vance by Will Smith & Matt Damon, it's not only just about golf but also life. The moive is an old one -- back to 2000, but who cares as long as it's a great movie...


before you take a shoot of it, look at the following youtube.....

I got admired, and you??
Title: Re: Movie
Post by: hangchoi on 03 July 2010, 13:36:57
Hey Buddies,

after the long time trumbling & massive works....I am back to life now.....

Here is the movie I highly highly recommand you, The Legend of Bagger Vance by Will Smith & Matt Damon, it's not only just about golf but also life. The moive is an old one -- back to 2000, but who cares as long as it's a great movie...


before you take a shoot of it, look at the following youtube.....

I got admired, and you??

Nice one......Do you have a copy to lend?  ;D
Title: Re: Movie
Post by: chin on 03 July 2010, 19:17:07
If you have DVD or Blue-ray disc, you can bring it to our office, and view it on our 110" HD system. :)

We can have tea or wine at the same time. (But a little note on wine, separately in the wine thread.)

Hey Buddies,

after the long time trumbling & massive works....I am back to life now.....

Here is the movie I highly highly recommand you, The Legend of Bagger Vance by Will Smith & Matt Damon, it's not only just about golf but also life. The moive is an old one -- back to 2000, but who cares as long as it's a great movie...


before you take a shoot of it, look at the following youtube.....

I got admired, and you??
Title: Re: Movie
Post by: chanchiwai on 04 July 2010, 12:01:17
that's very cool!!

 ::) ::) ::)

anyone want to join...

check for the date....
Title: Re: Movie
Post by: oo8 on 04 July 2010, 23:08:02
Hey Buddies,

after the long time trumbling & massive works....I am back to life now.....

Here is the movie I highly highly recommand you, The Legend of Bagger Vance by Will Smith & Matt Damon, it's not only just about golf but also life. The moive is an old one -- back to 2000, but who cares as long as it's a great movie...


before you take a shoot of it, look at the following youtube.....

I got admired, and you??

A very good movie indeed . . . . . . I watched this movie a few times. The first time was before I started playing golf. The movie is more focus on the caddy (Will Smith) than the golfers.  . . . . . . Charlize Theron is my all time flavorite even though that isn't much on her in this movie. . . . She is from South Africa and Oh I saw her watching the World Cup Match between Germany vs Argetina last night  . . . .
Title: Re: Movie
Post by: hangchoi on 31 December 2012, 11:15:19
This movie was hot last year but I only got a chance to watch it at silent night a few days ago. It touched me somehow and Kai, I know why you liked it very much....... 

Title: Re: Movie
Post by: chin on 31 December 2012, 18:10:42
I want to watch also. It's a movie for people of our generation.