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Tohoku Japan 日本東北

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This well decorated resort offers a lot of different activities to their guests. Not only transportation to the hiking tracks, but also different in-house activities, like glassware workshop, moss study, stargazing, etc, not to mention their two onsen baths.

As Aomori is famous for its apple, the restaurant and the cuisine are themed with apples too. They use apples a lot for the food and we tasted a bottle of "wine" made by apples.

The hiking track here is very famous. The track in total is about 20km, all along a river flowing from Towada lake 十和田湖. It is quite easy to walk and the scenes are beautiful. You can imagine that the views will be different in different seasons.

Along the path, there are lots of water falls, all in different scales and sizes, so the water flow is kept changing paces at different locations.

The path is well protected by the government. Even a bus stop cannot be erected along the road, that makes people puzzle when they want to find a bus stop.

Somehow, the environment is well kept and you can feel the freshness of the air. Mosses grow well there too. At the time we visited, the winter snow is still melting.

The second day we went to see Sakura. 弘前市 Hirosaki is a famous city for seeing Sakura. Before we went to Japan, the weather forecast said that all Sakura should be fully blossomed. But the weather turned freezing for a few days just before we arrived which delayed the process a bit. Hence we were lucky enough to see different stages of Sakura in this trip.

It was a rainy day. The good thing was that not many people there, but the bad thing was the freezing temperature and the rain. We were hiking at 3 degC but Hirosaki at 7 degC made me felt even colder.

The best place to see Sakura at Hirosaki is the castle. Before we entered the castle, we had already seen the sakura along the moat. Some of them started falling so part of the moat was full of sakura.


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