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Google’s AI Masters the Game of Go a Decade Earlier Than Expected

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Google claims that they have developed a AI program to play the game of GO. The program was developed by their team named DeepMind and the program name is called AlphaGo. This program has already beaten the European GO champion and it will have a game of Go with Mr. Lee Sedol, the current master mind in Go, in coming March.

There is a YouTube video in that post which talks about how the Google team develops the AlphaGo. Though I think the way Google's team to develop the algorithm is sensible, I would put my bet on Mr. Lee when they come to play because the game of GO is a game beyond pure mathematics.

The algorithm, tho they claim that they have implanted some intuitive issues in the program, cannot calculate all moves that a human being would play. It is sensible to use two dimension algorithms (a policy algorithm and a value algorithm, where a policy algorithm would suggest a few moves to the value algorithm and the value algorithm would calculate the relative effect and choose the move valuable one to move), but I think human being would be much flexible in dealing with this "Utility Oriented" algorithm:

1. Human can set trap to let the computer have some prima facie advantages on the first twenty moves or even more, especially in the game of GO each player can have over 150 moves.
2. a full game board has 19 x 19 dots for playing the first move. Generally for sophisticated players or even amateur players, they would conventionally play their first move on  a handful of spots, which are rather sensible and important location. But if the professional player plays his first move in unconventional way, like the middle point of the board, it will be very difficult to calculate.
3. One of the reasons that GO is a complicated game because a prima facie bad move in a game may turn out to be a good move. There are quite a lot of game recorded in the history of GO and most of those famous games recorded were due to its unexpected moves. So the weight of intuition may be far more than a computer program can expect.
4. A game of GO usually can be divided into 3 phases: start up, mid-play, round-up (布局、中盤、官子). While round-up phase is almost a mechanical move which is fully mathematical. The start-up phase is now rather formal after years of development, unless the players play unconventionally. The mid-play phase is almost unpredictable. Someone may argue that given the computer is fast enough, they may calculate the move thoroughly. But the fact is that in a game of GO, there is a time limit for each player to play the whole game, usually 4 hours for one game and each player has 2 hour. I would say this is a rather tight time limit for computer.


The first match was done on 9 March 2016. It surprises most of the Go players that AlphaGo won the match. My estimate was totally wrong. Well....I am a novice of this game, you know.

AlphaGo played well in the middle of the game, which I think that should be the most difficult part for the computer to compute the combination. Lee had a good opening actually with good and intact right side and developing lower left. But AlphaGo can play a few hand to switch the tide, such as consolidating its upper left and invading Lee's territory at the middle right.

Tho Lee surrendered the game at last. Their points should be close but there is a handicap of a few point for the black side. So, anyway, Lee lost the first.

Let's see the second match, tho I am still confident that Lee will win back

Second Match:

Lee lost again......  :-\

It is apparent that Lee changed his strategy at the beginning of the game but AlphaGo still played a very good game throughout.

Some professional Go commentators said that AlphaGo played different styles during the game and some moves were far beyond professional's imagination.

Should I move my bet to AlphaGo now?

I think Lee may try playing extremely unconventional game to disturb its algorithm, like playing the first move at the middle of the board.

Next game will be on 12 March. Let's see if Lee can get one back.

Third match:

This is the third game which Lee has no way out. He has to win in order to get the US$ 1 mil.

He started aggressively but AlphaGo defended well. AlphaGo still played some unusual moves but it almost won all the local fights.

Hence, Lee had another lost and AlphaGo won 3 in a row.

Post-match press conference said that Lee was so nervous. Lee also said that he would relax and play better in the next matches, let's see.

The fourth match:

This is the turning point. Lee finally won this game.

AlphaGo was forced to resign. By saying so means that AlphaGo found that its winning percentage was so low to trigger the resignation threshold.

Some professional commentator said that Lee's move no. 78 was the "God's move" but Lee replied in the post match conference that this move was the only available move that he can envisage at that moment.

AlphaGo team said that after move no.78, AlphaGo made a mistake in move no.79 and it realized its fault at move no. 87. If that's the case, it is amazing that the programme keeps on reviewing its decision so quickly, so after 8 moves may be too late for a game of GO.

Lee played a good game on taking a large portion of territory at lower right and successfully squeeze the middle territory. A beautiful game indeed.

Another finding was that AlphaGo seems struggling in the last few moves before it resigned. It played some moves that was so stupid that even I as a novice would not play.


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