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Seoul 人飛首爾 + 2016

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The facade of the Dongdaemun Design Center can change its colour and the architecture of that was nice, a lot of curvature facade tile which is very labour intensive to build. Irregularity seems to be the theme of this structure, which is evidenced by its internal staircase and foot path.

It just happened that they had a night light exhibition. A large number of LED flowers was switched on at night.

Second day, we went to visit Ewha Womans University. This university now turns out to be a hot toursit spot. There are so many tourist there to visit its nice building structure and it was said that the University management had put a banner there asking tourist not to disturb the students there. Even some buildings have signage prohibiting non-students going in. The University is nice, quiet, classic and elegant. Some of the structures is nicely built with modern design.

One of the famous spots of Ewha Womans University is the so called Ewha Wall (梨花牆). It is located at the entrance of the university. It is said that a girl will find her Mr. right if she took a picture with the wall......

Opposite to the wall is a street for shoppers. The landmark structure is a pink high-heel. The street is very good for ladies, full of cosmetic products.

After that, we went to 駱山公園. This is a village with lot of grafitti and wall painting. On the footpath throughout the village, you will see a lot of different art work, even on the staircase.


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