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Taipei Trip again (Dec 2012)

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He had a lot of different series of work. One of them is the soldier series. He made a lot of soldiers marching around the whole museum, and sky actually....

Each soldier has his own facial expression, with different weapons/guns and function. The soldier who is rescuing his teammate names "WongYan"  ;D

They also have marine and air force.....

This sculpture made me think of a movie by To Ki Fung about the thief (文雀), acted by Yam Tat Wah, where the last scene about a rainy night in Central with a lot of pickpockets.

Tai-Chi series is the series that made Ju Ming famous internationally. He learnt Tai Chi because he felt he was too thin at that time. After that, he used the Tai-Chi post as the base for his sculpture. Later, he tried to smooth out the Tai Chi post and made it more round and mixed.

The first one is like the one we have in Exchange Square. The second one is more modern and its ideas was come from a piece of wood log. The last one showed his final work on Tai Chi series as it is like an arch, which you cannot see the exact Tai Chi post but you can feel it.


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