Author Topic: North India Trekking Trip 北印度行山之旅 (23 Aug - 11 Sep 2002)  (Read 226826 times)

Offline chin

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« Reply #70 on: 08 February 2009, 14:20:39 »
The younger ones did not miss the opportunity to have a little fight.

(3 Sep 2002, 70mm, F2.8 A-mode

Offline chin

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Booby Trapped
« Reply #71 on: 08 February 2009, 14:21:22 »
Iris' hood booby trapped by Karl.

(3 Sep 2002, 70mm, F2.8 A-mode)

Offline chin

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Hotel Mayflower
« Reply #72 on: 08 February 2009, 14:21:49 »
First morning after back to "civilization" at the Hotel Mayflower in Manali.

(4 Sep 2002, 28mm, F2.8 A-mode)

Offline chin

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Right of Ways
« Reply #73 on: 08 February 2009, 14:22:17 »
An all-too-common scene near the Manali area, where vehicle and herbs fighting for the right of ways.

This was the day after we came back to "civilization", when we chartered a jeep to Rohtang Pass to shoot pictures.

(4 Sep 2002, 28mm, F2.8 A-mode)

Offline chin

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Manali Valley
« Reply #74 on: 08 February 2009, 14:22:42 »
The long and winding road from Rotang Pass to Manali.

(4 Sep 2002, 200mm, F2.8 A-mode)

Offline chin

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Indian Gate
« Reply #75 on: 08 February 2009, 14:23:15 »
We had about 3 hours free time in Delhi. We took a walk around the Connaught Place, and were not impressed.

At the end we took Tuk-Tuk to the Indian Gate, where we saw a man in business attire and a suitcase followed different groups of tourists for the whole time we were there. He never talked to anyone, just followed.

Yesterday we took an 14-hour jeep ride to Delhi. The jeeps were not air conditioned, and the road was dusty. When we arrive Delhi, my nose and ears were all blackened.

(6 Sep 2002, 28mm, F2.8 A-mode)

Offline chin

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Ram Singh
« Reply #76 on: 08 February 2009, 14:23:57 »
At around lunch time our group split. 6 of us will stay 5 more days to visit Agra & Jaipur, travel in air-conditioned van and sleep in nice hotels.

Ram Singh was our driver and occasionally guide. He would twice took us to toilet stops that were tourist traps. Ended up paying for the use of toilet.

(6 Sep 2002, 85mm, F1.4 A-mode)

Offline chin

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Bad Police
« Reply #77 on: 08 February 2009, 14:24:38 »
An unusual honesty? Hardly any authority in the world would admit that they are bad.

Actually the sign should read "FARIDABAD POLICE" but the letter A in the middle fell off.

Cow is the most sacred animal in Hindu, thus they are allowed to roam on the road.

(6 Sep 2002, 85mm, F1.4 A-mode)

Offline chin

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Water Point
« Reply #78 on: 08 February 2009, 14:25:28 »
Besides the Mark II Water Pump, there are quite a few public water outlets in the cities.

(7 Sep 2002, 85mm, F1.4 A-mode)

Offline chin

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« Reply #79 on: 08 February 2009, 14:27:05 »
At the entrance to the still-constructing Jaigurudeo Temple on the Delhi-Agra Road, the sign reads like an advertisement.

The Temple is an inter-faith worship outfit.

We were told that the Temple took 20 years in planning, 3 years to construct, thousands of volunteer workers working 24x7, the rod on the main dome made of pure gold, etc.

Center to the Temple's teaching is that everyone has a third eye to see the power beyond. And only meditation with a Temple master can one open the third eye.

All donation boxes in the Temple declare that they do not accept money from people who eat meat, egg, fish, or drink alcohol.

Additional advice from a temple pamphlet says women in menstruation should refrain from bathing & cooking for 5 days, or otherwise "sickly babies will take birth".

Want to join? Visit their web site here.

For the next few days, I could not help thinking how can a temple with teaching like these can attract so much funding and donation. But then again lots of people making loads of money from late night TV preaching shows.

I am in the wrong business.

(6 Sep 2002, 200mm, F2.8 A-mode)