Public Zone 公開區 > Travelogues 遊記相薄

2012 Spring, New England, USA

<< < (6/12) > >>

Many of the school buildings are around this pond. Apparently this year the weather is too warm for the pond to be frozen enough to skate.

The picture on top is the student activity room, the pictures at the bottom is the faculty room.

In the hallways of the main building. The place was like a maze to me...

In the theater (or was it one of the theaters?) a student photographer (on the right) was trying different angles and lighting effect with the subject on the left. Maybe one of the classes on photography?

In this picture is the MAC (M-something Academic Center) - where students get extra support, like help on organization skills, study techniques, or help for students with ADD, etc... It looked like a den for some of the students.


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