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台中行 TAICHUNG [ plus 高雄 KOAHISUNG ]

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This picture was taken at the ambassador's house to oversee the consulate.

Another place to go was the Pier-2 Art Center (駁二藝術特區). This was a quayside godwin which was renovated to house various art creation center. It has a cinema, some restaurants, book store, art gallery, etc. The food path around those storerooms has various sculptures or model and the facade of the buildings are full of painting.

This artwork is made of straws. I like the narrow and deep toilet of this area as the layout fits perfectly. 

After that, we walked back to our hotel area. We en-routed to the Rosary to take a look, but it was close on the day we visited.

Before we took our bag to airport, we went to a bakery named Wupaochun (吳寶春). This guy won an international competition in bakery. Then he was invited by an entrepreneur to open a shop in Koahsiung. He was given a lease of the shop for 3 year rent free. His bread is famous and you will see a long queue waiting to go into there to buy.

The shop even has a list telling you which type of bread would be finished at what time.  :o


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