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2011 Summer in the US

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I am currently in the US of A spending the summer with my family. I am going to post pictures and stories in segments of interest, instead of in chronological orders.

The unfortunate thing is that a few days after I arrived in the US, I damaged my main camera (Sony A900) when changing lenses. I have damaged the aperture adjustment mechanism in the body such that now I can only take pictures with the largest aperture possible, which is F2.8 on my main lens. Fortunately I have a smaller Sony A550 with me and now my main camera.

The pictures taken with the larger A900 are in RAW format, thus I won't be able to post them until returning home. The A550 was set to take JPEG pictures and can be processed with my laptop. I will post some pictures while I am still on the road.

Today we drove from Berkeley to Napa Valley, and we took a little detour pasting through Point Reyes. We knew that on this small country road are some oyster bars serving local fresh oysters grown in the Tomales Bay.

The place we stopped for lunch is called Marshall Store, which I just found out that they have a web site at and it is kind of famous.

Does the big fellow working behind the oyster bar look like the status in front of the store? I asked about it and he said the status was there before he himself got there.

Most people sit on the road side. But we were lucky to sit further from the road, and closer to the bay, with nice expansive view.

Some of the food we had. It was very bright and I couldn't really see the picture quality there and then.

I don't usually eat raw oyster but these were very good, and I probably ate more raw oysters during this lunch than all all raw oysters I ate in the last 5 years combined.

For the cooked ones, we ordered Rockefeller which was cooked with spinach, cheese & garlic.


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