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I was listening to an American radio program that interviewed a former Harvard professor who worked with 5 previous US presidents.

The guy, Steve Pieczenik, sounded a bit lunatics and extreme. He believed the 911 attack was staged by the US government, Osama bin Laden was dead in 2001 died of a degenerating disease Marfan.

Anyway, he was talking about how he would wage an economic war with China, (and he say that's what the US government is doing now.) The main point is to devalue US$, causing economic and social unrest in China. And restructure the US economics, eliminate national debts by devaluation, and take back the manufacturing jobs to the US.

Whether what he said was true or not, simply by pegging to US$ and sourcing most of our basic living supplies from the mainland, we may facing a long inflationary period. What do you think is the best way to preserve our own purchasing power? Buy properties? Gold?

Or the worst is about to over, when everyone is talking about it, like what I am doing now...



--- Quote from: hangchoi on 14 May 2011, 11:59:28 ---BUY WINES..... ;D

--- End quote ---

I am now very very seriously thinking about it.


--- Quote from: hangchoi on 14 May 2011, 11:59:28 ---BUY WINES..... ;D

--- End quote ---

Or buy Bitcoins.  ;D

The wine investment does not seem to be productive for me.


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