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Taipei 台北遊 (Dec-2010)

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Plants just grow in all unlikely places. Any opening.

During my little walk around town, I saw two gold mining "museums". None of them seems to be in business any more. And the signs and advertisement just sounded so desperate to get people in. I will translate some for non-Chinese speakers.

- Free gold mining game, get gold rocks for free
- Our museum is the best place for school field trips
- Get yourself & your kid ahead on the "golden" starting point (of life)
- How can you come to the treasure mountain not bring back some goodies
- Are you not happy with your work & career? Come to our museum to mine gold to change your luck

But the funniest sign I saw outside the gold museum has to be this one
- Thieves, there is no valuable inside in the evening!  ::)

This window cover was once part of a 牌匾, probably proudly displayed by the owner in a prominent place of the house.

If you paid attention to some of the small details of the photos above, you can see that "cat" is a popular theme in Jiu Fen. Like in this picture.

In one of the pottery shops I went, the owner/artist was making a small cat sculpture, using her own cat as the model.

The reason for the popularity of cat theme? Maybe simply because of the large number of stray or domesticated cats?

I found this one at the ruined house photoed above.


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