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Shanghai Expo 2010 上海世博 (Aug 2010)

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Some inside view of the China Pavilion. The key attraction was the animated version of 清明上河圖.

Outside view of the China Pavilion.

The location of the Hong Kong Pavilion, Macau Pavilion, & Taiwan Pavilion was very symbolic and strategic. As you can see from the first picture, the very large & imposing China Pavilion is standing right next to the much smaller Hong Kong & Macau pavilions. The Taiwan pavilion is on the other side of the China Pavilion. (If one day Taiwan is reunited with mainland China, would the Taiwan Pavilion be together with the Hong Kong & Macau ones?)

Night time view of the China Pavilion.

For the week in Shanghai, we rented 2 apartments at the Marriott Executive Apartments. It was very nice and comfy.

The above are pretty much the Expo related pictures. We also took one day off from the Expo and went to Hangzhou. I will post the pictures later.


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