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Shanghai Expo 2010 上海世博 (Aug 2010)

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The Expo also brought foreign food and entertainment to China. For each day visiting the Expo, we arranged to have dinner in some of the pavilions.

The dinner ranging from very exclusive (and expensive) to very moderate priced (but still expensive for mainland standard.) The first day we had dinner in the Spanish Pavilion. The food was just so-so but the main attraction was the show.

First performance, right after appetizer, was a flamenco inspired solo dance.

After the main course, we then have this funny guy who can make music with any tube like material. Almost everything that's not normally musical instrument. Like blowing into the metal tube of a bike.

After or while having desert, we had this comical string quartet.

More pictures of the Spanish girls.

After the Spanish dinner and show, we visited the Spanish Pavilion. And we saw this giant robotic baby.


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