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2010 International Art Fair + 2011

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Went to 2010 International Art Fair this afternoon. Some of the art pieces are selling at rocket high price, some are just for showing.......

Like usually exhibition of arts, they usually do not allow taking photos and you can see "Do not photo" signs everywhere. However, I saw a lot of people taking photos there and no one stops them to do so. Then, I also start taking photos......and share you some of them.

As what I had learned in Museu de Louver, Art is something that you have to feel, not to no description this time.

The first one is a sculptrure. The second one is a sand painting.....

The first one is using the paint without brush.....The second know I like the Beatles....

The first one....some objects in the frame are actually moving......but this set up is using in the "清明上河圖" in expo...

The second one is funny......

We saw a small group of kids doing drawings  in the exhibition. In order to get them together, there was a rope tied on their wrists.......

The first time I saw this LOVE sign was at Shinjuku, Tokyo. That one was huge and stood on the office area. This is a small one......


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