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書中自有黃金屋 - Efficiency of Racetrack Betting Markets
The Intellectual Foundation of YB
My first working copy was photocopied from the HKU library.
By the time I saw this on Amazon in 2003, it was priced at US$500. I didn't need the book any more by then but bought it as a souvenir.
I did a search on Amazon today (10-Feb-09). There are 5 copies for sell, from US$1,650 to US$2,450!
But for those who are capable of understand and implement the concept, these prices are million dollar bargains!
Just happened two days ago I went to Amazon and found out there is a 2008 edition. With the new edition, the price went down to just below US$90 per copy. The editors explains why publishing the 2008 eidtion in the following new preface.
I just ordered the new 2008 edition, plus the Handbook which covers new paper and research in recent years.
Should we buy out all of the original copies and re-post them to Amazon for USD10,000 each . . . . . . . . ;D
Let's see who may buy... ;)
- libraries and schools: they probably buy the new 2008 version because it's cheaper. :P
- people not in the business but want to get in: they probably just borrow from library and photocopy, just like what we did ::)
- people already in the business and not successful: do they have $10k? ;D
- people already in the business and successful: they can pay a lot, and probably they already have one. 8)
BTW 5 years ago Bill said he had a few copies and can give me one. But we never got the chance to follow up on that.
The books arrived today. Alan Woods co-authored one of the shorter papers in the Handbook.
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