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Anyone would consider to get e-book?

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The market is heating up, even my kid wants one.

With Apple iPad, Google Edition, etc... coming to the market, more publishers are negotiation deals, more promotions, and more people going to buy one.

Anyone had tried?

(BTW a few messages above I said my phone crashed every few days. The crashes has stopped ever since I updated the OS of the phone. Strange.)

I am still in the old days, still prefer a 'real paper book', especially some magazine with good printing.   :-\


--- Quote from: kai on 11 February 2010, 11:46:30 ---I am still in the old days, still prefer a 'real paper book', especially some magazine with good printing.   :-\

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I have the same thinking as Kai, not only for the feeling of holding a book, but on the more important thing that a book should have and the designers usually overlooked: the ability to write something on the e-book. 

When I read a book, I used to write something on the shoulders of the paragraphs, not usually key words but sometimes irrelevant drawings, just to signify "I've-been-there". Or sometimes I just underlined some words on the book. I don't know whether this is a implied feature of e-book, but if not, then it should be a big NO factor for me.


--- Quote from: kido on 17 February 2010, 10:50:50 ---I have the same thinking as Kai, not only for the feeling of holding a book, but on the more important thing that a book should have and the designers usually overlooked: the ability to write something on the e-book. 

When I read a book, I used to write something on the shoulders of the paragraphs, not usually key words but sometimes irrelevant drawings, just to signify "I've-been-there". Or sometimes I just underlined some words on the book. I don't know whether this is a implied feature of e-book, but if not, then it should be a big NO factor for me.

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Shouldn't be difficult for a software system. But the problem is when more and more features are added, the whole device may hang more often.

I am moving this topic to the Bookwyrm section, since it's about books and reading...

Anyway, I ordered the Amazon Kindle 3G about 10 days ago. It's out of stock and it will take anothe month before they can ship.

And a few days after the order, I happened to have someone from the US visiting me. He has an old Kindle. I tried reading books on it. My quick comments:

1. The screen really looks good. Not "Wow" good when you first see a bright color monitor, but it really look like ink on paper.

2. The older one is too heavy to handle for long term reading. The one I tried has the leather cover. The new version I ordered is a bit lighter, and I think I should not put on the leather cover.

3. The big unknown for me is how easy can I flip back and forth. Like the book I am reading now has maps, and many times I need to flip back to visualize the events by reading the map.

I struggled a bit before ordering the Kindle. The main reason is that Amazon can recall any book at their will and I am philosophically against that. But then again, Apple/Microsoft can also remotely disable your iphone/windows, or google may already knows me better than I know myself, or Octopus can track someone's movement already real time...


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