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Anyone would consider to get e-book?

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I preper paper too, tho it is not quite environmental.

For a set of paper of document, I would not mind to read it on a device. But for it is just a personal preference, I think.


--- Quote from: chin on 30 August 2010, 02:02:45 ---I am moving this topic to the Bookwyrm section, since it's about books and reading...

Anyway, I ordered the Amazon Kindle 3G about 10 days ago. It's out of stock and it will take anothe month before they can ship.

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Is that true that you can only buy books from Amazon when using Kindle? I see there is no Chinese book in Amazon....  :(

Anyone voted for iPad by purchasing?  Any Chinese book?

king already bought i-pad and I also ordered.

(though I am the key supplier to E-ink)

Hang, you lost something here.

Aiya........nice one.....

What is it??? Who are you??? Are you coming to have gathering with us tomorrow??? You owe me HK$1000000000.......

How come you have this thing?? Why the picture is so small??  :D


--- Quote from: kido on 03 September 2010, 11:39:21 ---Is that true that you can only buy books from Amazon when using Kindle? I see there is no Chinese book in Amazon....  :(

Anyone voted for iPad by purchasing?  Any Chinese book?

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I also thought about iPad but everyone I know that has iPad just using it as a large iPhone - showing pictures or playing games. I have not seen any book.

Kindle version is from Amazon only. The gadget can display pdf, so maybe you can transfer pdf Chinese books to it?


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