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Just would like to share an interesting article here, talking about the so called Adam Cheng Effect. Don't treat it seriously, just a leisure reading. I am wondering if the Adam Cheng Effect still hold now.
I heard about this jinx for many years, but I am still skeptical. :P
I think this is a superstitous effect..........
I don't know how good the estimations are, but it seemed even CLSA took it seriously and did try to analyse it. (if the document is genuine and wasn't a fake one).
Also sometimes two independent unrelated event are highly correlated and simply couldn't be explained by human being.... Butterfly effect?
hangchoi: far as I understand there was a research on this. So this report might be real.
Someone found these happened for 1 or 2 times and correlated it. Then he told other people and the myth propagated. And this ends up to a bunch of people following this myth and makes up a trend. And the effect amplified....and so on....
Human behaviour seems funny....
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