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Computer Robotic Wagering (CRW)

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Is Gu MG the one mentioned by Chin last time that he didn't have manual confirmation on placing bets?

I think so. This case has been going on for 2 years or so.

I am interested to read the case file also. Is it on LII already?

Another case I am interested in reading is the Yeung Kar Sing (once owner of Manchester City Football Club) money laundering case. Do you know the case number or where to find the doc?

[hide] Maybe. It is premature to publish the case, as what the news said was just an interlocutory application.

You can find the ruling on Lii about those reported by the newspaper now.

If no one applies for private hearing, it may be searched from LII after finalized. [/hide]

[hide] Go to HKLII. Search Carson Yeung. There are a number of cases, including those interlocutory application and JR.

The main one should be DCCC860/2011 [/hide]


--- Quote from: chin on 11 April 2014, 02:26:54 --- 

--- End quote ---
Hang, Yeung CarSing is closely related to Mrs Zhu.  金利豐


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